E M M A R U G G . C O M

HELLO 2021…

How unbearable it would be, the terribly unimaginable thought of never seeing you again: Friends, family, loved ones, the people I have come to know, and those I am possibly yet to know…

Since the last time I posted here
 the world has changed beyond all previous recognition. Who would have thought that the things that have happened in 2020 would have ever happened in our lifetime at all?
In what has been such a trying time – for the entire world – people have pulled together, shown a great deal of tenacity and done their best to get through this year.

The COVID-19 pandemic has taken so many things from us: people, freedom, time and in some sense the security of everyday experiences we might have otherwise chosen to have had with one another. So many of the things we often take for granted are for now ‘no go’ areas.

At the start of the pandemic – and throughout – I’ve found myself going to work each day, walking through eerily silent streets. Places that had once been overrun with the sounds and presence of others became silent and strange. All at once I was both highly concerned for the safety of those around me and highly cautious of everyone I came into contact with. For me there has been no lockdown and no pause. Working in pathology for the NHS at this time is more often than not a challenging place to find yourself.

Each day has felt like venturing into a situation that can only be controlled with sheer positivity because much of the impact of the virus has meant that we cannot control what happens, only how we react to it. To instil a sense of positivity in people is something we must all try to do. Whether it is helping someone who needs you or giving yourself time to work on yourself these are now – more than ever – incredibly important considerations.

I wanted to remind you that the things you do now will have an impact on people later. Whether that is being around people you shouldn’t, or staying away from those you can protect. Just because you miss company it doesn’t mean you need to have it. Learn to be alone, and to be comfortable – when and if you can – in being in your own space. Become your best self. Your best self – as you are now – is the person you decide to be to keep you and everyone around you as safe as you can. We are all working on it.

I have spent much of the pandemic alone. Apart from seeing my colleagues at work I can count on two hands the number of times I have seen people. On my birthday I sat on top of a hill in a park with a good friend and we shared many socially distanced thoughts on an ever changing unprecedented situation. Deep and meaningful conversations in any personal space are few and far between.

Everyday I am so hopeful that things will get better and that life will return to a more normal state of play. It is not without a myriad of emotions for anyone. For everyone, the most essential requirement to feel safe is something that we all need and want on a very instinctive ‘base’ level – so I ask of you this:

Please continue to do what you can to keep yourself and others around you safe.

I will miss fireworks and friends. I will miss your presence, your interactions and our shared experiences. More than anything I want to see you again and to share in our lives together. I know this time will come – in the future – but for now it’s just important to do the right thing in any way you can. In the future there will be music amongst other things when the time is right. I truly hope that 2021 is a better year for the world and everyone in it.

How unbearable it would be, the terribly unimaginable thought of never seeing you again: friends, family, loved ones, the people I have come to know, and those I am possibly yet to know – & that is why we must not see each other for quite some time yet.

Until then, I miss you – stay safe…


One response to “HELLO 2021…”

  1. Helen Wright says:

    Lovely words Emma, happy New Year to you and Pickle ❤️

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